Monday, December 12, 2011

How does your winter garden grow?

Mine doesn't grow as good as it could, considering I live in the South, but we do grow a couple of things.

Around mid-November we finally got around to cleaning out the raised beds and planting our garlic.
And guess what we have now?
Well, I hope it's the garlic. I seem to remember planting it in rows, but these don't seem too straight, so I'm hoping it is garlic. It looks like garlic. :)
The Khabar seems to be coming up better than the Mild French Bree and I planted.
We have a few chives left around the deck and a small bit of parsley, but if I were really industrious I'm sure we could grow more during the winter since our winters are not bad - comparatively speaking. I know we could grow greens. Most southern gardeners grow greens in the winter, but I don't like them, so I don't bother.
On another note, the houseplants are doing great.
This is the last of my Christmas cacti to bloom, and the first year this particular plant has bloomed. I never knew why it didn't bloom since it's been treated the same as the others and even sat right beside my best bloomer for years, so they always received the same light. A friend told me that they are just picky sometimes. She also told me she has a white one, and will pot a cutting of it for me. I can't wait. I've never even seen a solid white one. One of mine has white flowers that are rimmed in the hot pink, but the others are pink.

So, how does your winter garden grow?
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